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Super Omega 3

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Super Omega 3 is a 100% naturally concentrated omega-3 fish oil supplement (EPA and DHA).

  • Certified Friend of the Sea® (obtained from sustainable fisheries).
  • Supports optimal health of the cardiovascular system and brain function.
  • Designed to regulate blood triglyceride levels and blood pressure.

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Super Omega 3

Super Omega 3, an omega-3 fish oil supplement, has been formulated to offer an optimal intake of marine-source omega-3 fatty acids. These natural lipids have scientifically proven effects on the composition of cell membranes as well as on numerous biochemical and physiological processes, including regulation of blood pressure, anti-inflammatory responses, platelet aggregation, secretion of mood-influencing neurotransmitters, neuron activity, and more.

Who Should Take Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements?

Super Omega 3 is for all sections of the population. The World Health Organization (WHO), along with all Western countries, recommend adults receive a daily intake of at least 1,000 mg of EPA+DHA in order to maintain their health, and in particular, to support brain development and function.

And while these recommendations apply to healthy individuals, there are indicators that certain categories of people need more than 1,000 mg a day of these fatty acids. Those may include:

  • Those over the age of 50;
  • Those suffering from chronic inflammation;
  • Those with a large waistline;
  • Those with hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, or hyperglycemia;
  • Those suffering from fatigue or low mood;
  • Those at risk of cardiovascular problems;

Why Take Marine-Source Omega-3?

The body is able to produce EPA and DHA from plant-source omega-3 fatty acids, but intake has declined significantly over the years as a result of modern farming methods and changes in our diet.

What is more, the rate at which they are converted is now very low as a result of our inappropriately high consumption of omega-6. Of far less benefit to the body, these fatty acids are nonetheless ubiquitous in modern processed foods and they mobilize all the enzymes – elongases and desaturases – needed for the conversion of plant-source omega-3s into DHA and EPA.

So, if you decided to increase your intake of plant-source omega-3 fatty acids, you would not see any benefits unless you simultaneously made significant cuts to your omega-6 intake. The fact is, we actually need to consume the same amount of plant omega-3 as we do omega-6, but our actual consumption of omega-6 is 15-50 times greater than that of our plant-source omega-3.

In excess, omega-6 displaces omega-3 and invades cell membranes in their place, resulting in the formation of billions of pro-inflammatory molecules, which may play a key role in the development and exacerbation of chronic conditions.

This adverse imbalance could be rectified through daily consumption of oily fish or omega-3 (EPA and DHA) supplements. Unfortunately, however, the level of contamination of these fish and the fact that they are relatively inaccessible makes this an untenable option.

Our actual intake of marine-source omega-3, EPA and DHA, is very far from the minimum amounts recommended, and further still from optimal levels. Supplementing with EPA and DHA is thus the simplest and most effective way of rapidly restoring healthy membranes.

Benefits of Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements

Now that we have answered the question, what are omega-3 supplements? It is time to look at the benefits of taking omega 3 supplements with DHA and EPA.

EPA and DHA are molecules that penetrate cell membranes – the layers of fat that demarcate our body’s cells. From this strategic space, they influence a wide range of bodily functions.

They Combat Chronic Inflammation and Metabolic Problems

When cell membranes take up EPA and DHA, they become fluid and permeable. This is important because when they are rigid, membrane exchange is restricted, promoting chronic inflammation.

In addition, in cases of systemic inflammation, the body can dip into its storage of omega-3 fatty acids and convert them into anti-inflammatory molecules. But with omega-6, the complete opposite happens – they are converted into pro-inflammatory compounds, which encourages the development of metabolic dysfunctions such as resistance to the blood sugar regulating hormone and metabolic syndrome.

They May Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Problems

In recent years, several studies have demonstrated the benefits of supplementing with omega-3 for combating acute coronary syndrome and other cardiovascular problems.

Several mechanisms are responsible for these effects. First and foremost, supplementing with omega-3 helps lower omega-6 concentrations in membranes, and as a result, reduces their conversion into pro-inflammatory derivatives.

It also acts on the atheromatous plaque that causes cardiovascular problems. What this means is that omega-3 may help regulate blood pressure and triglyceridemia counts – high levels of triglycerides are recognized as a risk factor for heart problems – by lowering the liver’s production of fat and increasing the elimination of fat via LDL-transporters.

They also stabilize atheromatous plaque by reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines and by inhibiting monocytes from adhering to the vascular wall. Last but not least, omega-3 regulates a large number of genes, particularly those involved in fat metabolism.

They Support Cognitive Function

Omega-3 fatty acids have also been studied for their neurobiological activities, and the effects those activities may have on neurotransmitters, inflammation, oxidation, and neuroplasticity.

The potential connection between post-partum depression and a reduction in cellular levels of EPA and DHA in pregnant women has also been studied, as pregnancy depletes those reserves significantly. Scientists have discovered that it takes up to a year for initial reserves to be restored to the levels required for healthy functioning of the serotonergic and cholinergic systems – DHA normally represents 10-20% of the fatty acid composition of the brain.

DHA is key to early brain development and remains important for overall functionality as we age. And, therefore, omega-3 plays a significant life-long role in motor, sensory, and cognitive abilities.

They May Protect Vision

DHA represents more than 30% of all the fatty acids present in the retina. It is one of the most important compounds constituting the membranes of the outer segments of photoreceptors.

The constant renewal of these cell components requires a regular and high intake of DHA or its precursors. DHA also supports a fundamental step in the phototransduction mechanism, which allows the conversion of light energy into a nerve signal. For these reasons, it is possible deficiencies in DHA are associated with eye problems, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

What Makes Super Omega-3 Fish Oil so Exceptional?

1) It is a 100% Natural Supplement with Optimal Bioavailability

Like all our omega-3 supplements, including Super EPA and ​​Super DHA, Super Omega 3 contains EPA and DHA fatty acids in their natural form, triglycerides. These are more expensive than the synthetic form (ethyl esters), but studies show they may be easier to digest and are twice as bioavailable.

In addition, unlike many other laboratories, we develop our product from wild fish oil. Generally, farmed fish contain less omega-3 and more omega-6. This is because farmed fish have an inferior diet. Wild fish feed on tiny fish, crustaceans, and microalgae, which are very rich in omega-3, whereas farmed fish are often fed cereals and vegetable oils high in omega-6. What’s more, they are often farmed in inhumane and unsanitary conditions, and routinely receive antibiotics and antifungals.

2) The Production Methods Used Respect the Environment

To ensure it offers optimal quality, Super Omega 3 is produced from a top-quality fish oil, obtained from fishing zones off the coasts of Peru and Chile free from industrial contamination. Fish are selected for their naturally high content in omega-3 fatty acids. These include sardines, mackerel, and anchovies.

Our fish oil is also Friend of the Sea® certified, which means it comes from sustainable fisheries that meet strict criteria and manage fishing quotas. Smaller fish are prioritized as larger ones have lived longer and have accumulated waste products, such as mercury, dioxins and even pesticides.

3) It Has an Optimal Safety Profile

In order to guarantee it is completely free from contaminants – PCB, heavy metals, dioxins, etc. – Supersmart uses patented purification technology. This is a natural process called enzymatic hydrolysis which produces the highest concentration of EPA and DHA in a 100% pure oil.

In addition, since omega-3 fatty acids are highly vulnerable to oxidation, we add natural ingredients to protect them and maximize their shelf life. When omega-3 are oxidized, they are converted into trans fatty acids and are devoid of any health benefits. It is therefore essential to protect them with antioxidants so that they retain their beneficial effects over time.

That is why Supersmart has chosen to add tocopherols – vitamin E – to this exceptional formulation. It is also why it’s best to store them in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.

What Happens to Omega-3 Once it is Ingested?

Following ingestion and absorption, EPA and DHA are incorporated into cell membranes with phospholipids. This is a slow process; Super Omega 3 therefore needs to be taken every day for several weeks or even months to obtain all the health benefits of omega-3 fish oil supplements.

At the end of the supplementation period, the increased intake in omega-3 will be reflected in the composition of the phospholipid membranes. The NAT-2 study showed that supplementation with omega-3 produced a significant increase of up to 70% in levels of these fatty acids in membranes.

To achieve this, you should reduce your intake of omega-6 throughout the supplementation period.

Do we Know for Sure that EPA and DHA Reach the Brain?

Yes. These two compounds cross the blood-brain barrier by means of transport proteins specific to long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplement Side Effects

The best omega-3 supplements are perfectly safe to consume for most people. It is simply a natural addition to a healthy, well-balanced diet. And, as any user of omega-3 supplements will tell you, it is crucial to conduct your own research to determine whether these capsules are suitable for you.

While the best omega-3 fish oil supplements will not lead to severe side effects, you may experience a negative reaction if you take certain prescription medications. Anyone who requires prescription pharmaceuticals looking to take fish oil supplements should talk to their doctor.

Talk to your doctor about the supplements you intend to take and any supplements you already take. They understand your medical history and can help determine if you are at risk of experiencing fish oil or omega-3 supplement side effects.

Additionally, independent research is essential for putting together a diet and lifestyle regimen that will keep you functioning at your best long into the future. Spend the time to conduct online research and speak to other users before purchasing even a high-quality omega-3 supplement.

The side effects of taking omega-3 fish oil supplements are easy enough to spot. However, if you experience side effects, stop taking these supplements immediately and contact your doctor.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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